Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag questioned the boundaries of "unfair stimulus" in June, saying the practice of the case "should be determined". It may be too early to say that this is the dawn of a reversal of women's rights in Turkey, or that politicians see the outrage and write a check.
But at least the "injustice stimulation" controversy job email list has come to the fore again, and Turkish society is forced to look directly at the restraints women are subjected to under the current political atmosphere and religious system, as well as the subtleties of the murder of women.
News source Special column Turkish man murdered woman gets commuted sentence, sparking outrage over gender-based violence resurfaces (Central News Agency) Further reading Turkey's LGBT+ Pride Week was pressured by the police to ban it, but the Islamic rally that shouted "Say no to perverts" was not blocked New Taliban rules: Afghan women must "cover their whole body" when going out, and male guardians will be warned or even imprisoned if they violate the rules The Pakistani girl who just wanted to pursue her own love but died tragically by her brother's knife