Be aware of and committed to your financial plan. If you can't afford the dress, don't even try it on. Please don't. To see what you might look like in it, you would like to try it on, but you shouldn't. Just more pain in the heart.
Maintain a grounded perspective. Gorgeous and made from unusual fabrics, wedding dresses are a sight to behold. Simply said, their actual price tag is far more than the average consumer's estimation. A garment meant to accentuate curves will look ridiculous on a woman who lacks them. If you have a curvy figure, you won't feel beautiful in a dress made for a straight body type. If you look at a picture of the outfit on your phone, it won't do justice to the real thing.
Be open to the possibility of discovering several excellent options. A tie for first place is different from a tie for second or third. Quit hesitating and just pick anything.
Be open to ideas and styles. You may trust that the consultant/salesperson/stylist has extensive knowledge of the available bridal dresses and accessories from each brand. Despite your hopes that an image of a fit and flare may inspire you, you may find that a ballgown is more flattering to your figure.